
People with disabilities from culturally diverse communities sharing practical tips about living well. Listen to our content sorted by language at speakmylanguage.com.au The Speak My Language (Disability) program involves people with disabilities from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and other guest speakers, sharing practical tips and resources to support living well with a disability. Speak My Language (Disability) is funded by Commonwealth Department of Social Services and is proudly delivered via an historic partnership between all State and Territory Ethnic and Multicultural Communities‘ Councils across Australia.

Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Waa barnaamij waxbarasho harqaan tolid lacag la’aan ah oo loogu talagalay bulshada qeybaheeda kala duwan oo dhan. Barnaamijkaan gaar kuma ah kaliya dadka baahiyaha gaarka ah qaba, ee waxaa loogu talagalay dhamaan qeybaha bulshada. Ujeedada barnaamijka waa in la dhiso xirfad shaqo abuur bulshooyinka dhaqan ahaan iyo luqad ahaanba kala duwan ee ka yimid wadamo kala duwan. Borogoraamka waxuu abuurayaa fursad in bulshooyinka ay yeeshaan xiriir wanaagsan iyo isdhexgal.
About the guest speaker
Fatuma waa maamulaha barnaamijka harqaan barashada Sunrise oo ay maalgalisay Belgium Avenue Neighbourhood House.. Waxay bartaa sida dharka loo tolo bulshada ku nool xaafadaha Collingwood iyo Fitzroy. Waxay nala wadaageysaa sida bulshada ay uga faa’idaysato barnaamijkaan taasoo faa’ido inoo wada ah.
(This program provides free sewing classes for all community members. It is a non-disability specific program that aims to build new employability skills to help people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to live well. It creates an opportunity for the community to have a better connection and network.
About the guest speaker
Fatuma is a program manager of Sunrise sewing classes funded by Belgium Avenue Neighbourhood House. She teaches sewing classes to the communities living in the Collingwood and Fitzroy areas. In this podcast, she shares how the community benefits from this program.
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Saturday Oct 09, 2021
作业治疗助您提高生活独立性 (Building independence with occupational therapy)
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
在这个访谈中,作业治疗师是指 occupational therapist.
About the guest speaker
Tracy在完成了临床医学本科课程之后来到了阿德莱德继续作业治疗师硕士课程的学习。 之后她一直在澳洲作为作业治疗师执业。她在老年人健康系统工作过,现在致力于残障人士的健康。她接受人们的差异,理解他们的困难之处,尽全力激发他们的潜能。 她喜欢认识不同的人并倾听他们的人生经历。业余时间她非常活泼,喜欢户外运动,比如爬山和划船。她也非常喜欢尝试新的事物。
(In this episode, Rui and Tracy the occupational therapist will talk about occupational therapy, which can be unfamiliar but useful for many people. Tracy will share about how occupational therapy will assist people living well and become more independent, as well as interesting experiences from her career. If you are curious about how a therapy session can be delivered during the process of baking chicken wings, this episode will give you the answer.
About the guest speaker
Tracy moved to Adelaide to do her Master of Occupational Therapy course after completed her Bachelor of Medicine degree. After graduated, she has practiced as an Occupational Therapist in Australia. She had experience of working in aged care and now dedicates herself to work with people with disability. She accepts people with diverse, understands their difficulties and tries to promote their abilities. She likes to meet different people and listen to their life stories. In her spare time, she is quite active and likes outdoor activities, e.g., hiking, paddling, etc. She is also an adventurer and enjoys trying new things.

Saturday Oct 09, 2021
La comunicación es un derecho (Communication is a right )
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Martha Sequeira habla sobre cómo ella ayuda a las personas con discapacidad a mejorar sus habilidades de comunicación. Además, explica que las personas usan diferentes formas de comunicarse con los demás. Por ejemplo, a través de juegos didácticos les ayuda a desarrollar sus habilidades comunicativas. Esta historia trata sobre cómo usa los signos de palabras clave como un sistema de comunicación.
About the guest speaker
Martha es terapeuta del lenguaje bilingüe que actualmente trabaja en una organización sin fines de lucro que provee servicios de rehabilitación, terapia, tecnología asistida y servicios para personas con discapacidad y apoyo para sus familias. Ademas, tiene siete años de experiencia professional como profesora de inglés para inmigrantes en Australia y cinco años como terapeuta del lenguaje en Venezuela trabajando con niños en edad escolar con dificultades de aprendizaje.
(Martha Sequeira talks about how she helps people with disability to improve their communications skills. Also, she explains that people use different ways to communicate with others. For example, through didactic games she helps them to develop their communications skills. This story is about how she uses the key word signs as a system of communication.
About the guest speaker
Bilingual Speech Pathologist currently working for a non-profit organisation which provides rehabilitation, therapy, early intervention, community inclusion, assistive technology and disability services to people living with disability, as well as support for their families and carers. In addition to substantial experience in speech and language skills development and peer mentoring as a result of over seven years' experience as a teacher of English as a Second Language for adult migrants in Australia, besides to 5 years' experience as a Speech Pathologist in Venezuela (Spanish) with school-aged children with learning difficulties.
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Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Safiyo waxay la dhibaatoonaysay xanuuno maskaxeed sababo la xariiro xubin jirkeeda ka mid ah oo ay qaliin ku waysay. Si kastaba waa ay ka gudubtay welwelkii iyo welbahaarki hayay kadib markii ay bilawday qaadashada casharo diini ah iyo inay soo dhexgasho bulshada taasoo ka caawisay inay ku noolaato nolol farxad leh.
About the storyteller
Safiya waxay nala wadaagaysaa sida ay uga guulaysatay caqabadihii nolasha ee soo wajahay. Waxay soo dhexgashay bulshada, xaadirtay casharo diini ah, ka qeybqaadatay hawlo ay ka mid yihiin gym ka taasoo usuurto galisay inay ucaafimaado maskax ahaan iyo jir ahaanba oo ay hesho awood ay sifiican ugu noolaato.
Safiyo struggled with mental illness following her leg amputation. She overcame the challenges of her anxiety and depression when she began attending religious classes and built up connections within her community, which helped her live happily.
About the storyteller
Today's guest Safiyo shares how she overcame the life challenges she has faced. She connected to the community and attended religious classes, participated in gym activities which enabled her to improve mentally and physically, allowing her to live well.
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Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Nuestro Invitado de hoy nos habla de la importancia de tener claro nuestro propósito en la vida ejerciendo nuestras pasiones para así alcanzar la felicidad. Nos manifiesta el proceso de cómo se convirtió en profesor de Yoga aquí en Australia y su pasión por ayudar a otros a sentirse bien.
About the storyteller
Nuestro invitado de hoy es un venezolano viviendo en Adelaide durante 11 años. Actualmente se desempeña como trabajador social, terapeuta motivacional, entrenador de estilo de vida saludable y profesor de yoga y meditación.
Para realizar esta entrevista revise sus redes sociales y me encontré con unas reseñas el cual describe las clases de yoga y meditación como inspiradoras, creativas, enriquecedoras y llenas de herramientas integrales. Sus clases son muy populares, especialmente por sus beneficios para la salud mental. Nuestro invitado es también músico, compositor, creador del "Conscious Eating 21 Days Challenge" y autor del libro "The Wholeness of Yourself".
(Our Guest today tells us about the importance of being clear about our purpose in life, exercising our passions in order to achieve happiness. He tells us about the process of how he became a Yoga teacher here in Australia and his passion for helping others feel good.
About the storyteller
Our guest today is a Venezuelan living in Adelaide for 11 years. He currently serves as a social worker, motivational therapist, healthy lifestyle coach, and yoga and meditation teacher.
To carry out this interview, I checked his social networks and I found some reviews which describe the yoga and meditation classes as inspiring, creative, enriching and full of comprehensive tools. His classes are very popular, especially for their mental health benefits. Our guest is also a musician, composer, creator of the "Conscious Eating 21 Days Challenge" and author of the book "The Wholeness of Yourself".
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Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Edgar Rincón nos cuenta acerca de la importancia de tomar acciones a tiempo cuando somos conscientes que tenemos problemas auditivos. Además, explica el proceso de evaluación de cada paciente para determinar las necesidades auditivas de forma individual. Por ejemplo, Edgar, se refiere a como vivir bien con tinnitus, una condición auditiva con la que viven muchas personas.
About the guest speaker
El colombiano Edgar Rincón lleva alrededor de 19 años en Australia y es especialista en audiología. Tiene más de 14 años de experiencia en diagnóstico de patología del oido. Además, ha trabajado en el proceso de prevencion, tratamiento y rehabilitación de transtornos audifivos. En este momento, es jefe de área de Hearing Australia en Hobart, Tasmania.
(Edgar Rincon tells us about the importance of taking action on time when we are aware that we have hearing problems. In addition, he explains the process of evaluating each patient to determine hearing needs individually. For example, Edgar, talks about how to live well with tinnitus, a hearing condition that many people live with.
About the guest speaker
The colombian Edgar Rincón has been in Australia for around 19 years and is a specialist in audiology. He has more than 14 years of experience in diagnosing ear pathology. In addition, he has worked in the process of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of hearing disorders. At the moment, he is area manager of Hearing Australia in Hobart, Tasmania.
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Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Nuestra Guest Speaker es la Coordinadora Nacional de un programa llamado Comunidades haciendo cambios cuyo enfoque es romper barreras para que las personas con descapacidades se involucren en la educación y tengan acceso a oportunidades laborales ayudando a las comunidades multiculturales a través de la metodología investigación-acción
About the guest speaker
Isabel es una Venezolana de nacimiento que hizo sus estudios en los Estados Unidos y viajo a Australia por amor. Aquí en Australia estudio Psicología especializándose en el area de salud mental y violencia domestica Apasionada de la educación,Isabel es ganadora del Premio a la Excelencia en Lenguaje, Alfabetización y Práctica en el año 2016.Hay muchas cosas que aprender de Isabel no solo en el area de la Educación Lingüística sino también de su aventura al vivir en el Norte de Australia.
Durante 15 años, Isabel sirvió como voluntaria y profesora en diferentes comunidades aborígenes aprendiendo de ellos sobre su cultura, sus costumbres, el arete, incluyendo la medicina natural con plantas nativas de la región. Esto me encanto pues demuestra que Isabel es una mujer sensible, apasionada y brillante.
(Our Guest Speaker is the National Coordinator of a program called Communities Making Changes whose focus is to break down barriers so that people with disabilities can get involved in education and have access to job opportunities, helping multicultural communities through the research-action methodology.
About the guest speaker
Isabel is a Venezuelan by birth who studied in the United States and traveled to Australia for love. Here in Australia she studied Psychology specializing in the area of mental health and domestic violence. Passionate about education, Isabel is the winner of the Award for Excellence in Language, Literacy and Practice in 2016. There are many things to learn from Isabel not only in the area of Language Education but also from her adventure living in Northern Australia.
For 15 years, Isabel served as a volunteer and teacher at different aboriginal communities learning from them about their culture, their customs, the earring, including natural medicine with native plants of the region. This enchanted me because it shows that Isabel is a sensitive, passionate and brilliant woman.

Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Safarkeygi Guusha (My journey to success )
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Sheekadaan waxay ka hadlaysaa safarka guusha ee Casha, wadada ay ku gaartay waxbarashada qeybaha sare ee jaamacada iyo sida ay waxbarashadu uga caawisay inay hesho shaqo fiican ayna unoolaato si fiican. Asha waxay ka soo shaqaysay qeybo kala duwan oo ka mid dawlad goboleedka Victoria xafiisayadeeda, halkaasoo ay ka kasbatay khibrado cusub, sidoo kale ka heshay xiriir bulshadeed oo la yeelatay mujtamada ay lashaqaysay ama wax labaratay.
About the storyteller
Ayadoo kamid ah dadka baahiya gaarka ah qaba, Asho waxay ka waramaysaa safarkeedi guusha iyo sida waxbarashada uga caawisay inay ka gudubto caqabadaha nolosha anyna noqoto hogaamiye hami leh oo maamula mashruuc ka mid ah mashaariicda wasaarada ay ka shaqayso. Asha waxay la shaqaysaa dowlad gobaleedka Victotira , sidoo kale waxay ka diyaarisaa shahaada Master degree jaamacada RMIT University .
(The story talks about Asha’s journey to success, her pathways to higher education and how educational achievements enabled her to find a suitable job and live well with her life. Asha worked with different state government departments where she gained new skills, created network resources, connected to the community, and built relationship with them.
About the storyteller
Having lived experience of physical disability and migrating to Australia, Asha talks about her journey to success and how education helped her to overcome life challenges and became aspiring policy/project officer. Asha works fulltime for the state government and at same time, undertaking a Masters’ degree at RMIT University.)