
People with disabilities from culturally diverse communities sharing practical tips about living well. Listen to our content sorted by language at speakmylanguage.com.au The Speak My Language (Disability) program involves people with disabilities from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and other guest speakers, sharing practical tips and resources to support living well with a disability. Speak My Language (Disability) is funded by Commonwealth Department of Social Services and is proudly delivered via an historic partnership between all State and Territory Ethnic and Multicultural Communities‘ Councils across Australia.

Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Todos de alguna manera ayudamos a la comunidad, pero cuando se es voluntario se entrega un tiempo determinado de nuestra agenda para apoyar a otros. Mi invitada de hoy nos explica que ser voluntaria la hace sentirse bien, viva, útil. Siento esta una herramienta para ella en sentirse bien consigo misma.
Nuestra invitada nos explica que simplemente escuchando a otras personas los ayuda a sentirse acompañados y apoyados brindándoles una sensación de felicidad y gratitud
About the storyteller
Nuestra invitada emigró a Australia con su familia desde Chile a mediados de los 80 y ha sido voluntaria en el área de servicios humanos. Ell contribuye en el desarrollo comunitario y con una pasión particular por trabajar con comunidades multiculturales.
El enfoque del proyecto por el cual ella participa es fomentar y apoyar conversaciones que puedan guiar a las comunidades a encontrar sus propias respuestas a sus preocupaciones.
Esta mujer se unió a Mariposa Trails desde su inicios y su mayor contribución ha sido de gran apoyo durante sesiones informativas, capacitaciones y talleres.
We all help the community in some way, but when you volunteer, you set aside a certain time from your agenda to support others. Today's guest explains that being a volunteer makes her feel good, alive and useful to others. Volunteering becomes a tool to build self-esteem so that she feels good about herself. She explains that simply listening to other people helps them feel connected and supported, giving them a feeling of happiness and gratitude.
Warning: this interview mentions experiences of depression. If you need crisis mental health support, you can contact 13 11 14 - Lifeline Crisis Support Line. If you need an interpreter to contact Lifeline, first call TIS National 131 450, request Spanish and ask to be connected to Lifeline on 13 11 14.
About the storyteller
Our guest migrated to Australia with her family from Chile in the mid-1980s and has volunteered in the area of human services. She contributes to community development, with a particular passion for working with multicultural communities.
The project she volunteers for focuses on fostering and supporting conversations that can guide communities to find their own responses to their concerns.
This woman joined Mariposa Trails since its inception and her greatest contribution to the project has been her support during information sessions, training and workshops.

Friday Dec 03, 2021
CINCO FORMAS DE VIVIR BIEN (Five ways to wellbeing)
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Nuestra Invitada de hoy es ESTELA FUENTES.
ESTELA FUENTES nos comparte información sobre las CINCO FORMAS DE VIVIR BIEN, algo que será útil para muchas personas inclusive aquellas que no viven con discapacidades.
Mariposa Trails es un proyecto voluntario apoyado por Northern Volunteering SA y buscamos afiliarnos a otras organizaciones enfocadas en el bienestar y la salud mental.
About the guest speaker
Estela es facilitadora y trabaja con comunidades multiculturales de no habla inglesa. A través de su proyecto Mariposa Trail ella y otros facilitadores han ayudado a promover la diversidad en enfoques interculturales para el bienestar de la salud social / mental
(Our Guest today is Estela Fuentes. Estela Fuentes shares information about the Five Ways to Live Well, something that will be useful for many people, including those who do not live with disabilities.
Mariposa Trails is a voluntary project supported by Northern Volunteering SA and we seek to affiliate with other organizations focused on wellbeing and mental health.
About the guest speaker
Estela is a facilitator and works with multicultural non-English speaking communities. Through her Mariposa Trail project she and other facilitators have helped promote diversity in cross-cultural approaches to social / mental health wellness.
)
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Este orador invitado es un psicólogo que trabaja con personas de diferentes orígenes. El orador invitado brinda apoyo psicológico a los migrantes que sufren depresión y trastornos del estado de ánimo.
Aspectos de cómo vivir bien:
- Poder brindar atención psicológica es vital para el bienestar.
- La salud física y mental son cruciales para la calidad de vida.
- Grupos de apoyo y talleres.
- Estrategias de comunicación.
About the guest speaker
Psicólogo por profesión. Músico por pasión. Vive en Australia hace 4 años. Tiene interés por la salud mental, crecimiento personal, psicología del trabajo, psicología clínica y psicología de la masculinidad. Su enfoque terapéutico es enfoque centrado en la persona. Actualmente formándose en psicoterapia intensiva psicodinámica a corto plazo.
(Today's guest speaker is a psychologist who works with people from different cultural backgrounds. The guest speaker gives psychology counselling for migrants who need support to manage depression and mood disorders.
This interview covers the following topics on living well:
- Psychological care is vital for well-being.
- Physical and mental health are crucial for quality of life.
- The role of support groups and workshops.
- Communications strategies.
About the guest speaker
Psychologist by profession. Musician by passion. Today's guest, Felipe Arenas, has lived in Australia for four years. He has an interest in mental health and personal growth, and works in psychology, clinical psychology and masculinity psychology. His therapeutic approach is person-centered. He is currently training in short-term intensive psychodynamic psychotherapy.
)
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Esta historia trata sobre una mujer salvadoreña a la que le encanta involucrarse en la comunidad. Desde que llegó con su familia, ha estado activa en la comunidad haciendo quesos, confeccionando vestidos y vendiéndolos a la comunidad latinoamericana. Habla de cómo empieza a vender los quesos y qué tipo de productos hace para venderlos. Esta mujer sigue haciendo nuevos amigos y se siente involucrada en la comunidad a través de su religión.
About the storyteller
Esperanza Fuentes, es de El Salvador y tiene polio. Llegó a Hobart en 1994. Desde que llegó con su familia, ha estado activa en la comunidad haciendo quesos y vendiéndolos a la comunidad latinoamericana. Esta mujer es una apasionada de la costura y sabe hacer todo tipo de vestidos, por ejemplo, ha confeccionado vestidos de novia en la comunidad y vendía quesos para ganar dinero.
(This story is about a woman from El Salvador who loves to be involved in the community. Since she arrived with her family in Australia, she has been active in the community through making cheese, dress sewing and selling her hand-crafted items to Latin-American community. She talks about how she starts to sell the cheeses and what kind of products she makes. She continues to make new friends and feel involved in the community through her faith.
About the storyteller
Esperanza Fuentes, is from El Salvador and has polio. She arrived to Hobart in 1994. Since she arrived with her family, she has been active in the community through making cheeses and sell them to Latin-American community. She is passionate about sewing and knows how to make all kinds of dresses, for example, she has made wedding dresses for her community and has sold cheeses as a source of income.
)
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Hesap Makinasi Teyze (Aunty the Human Calculator)
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Bu bölüm, işitme kaybı olan Avustralyalı Türk göçmen Evren'in tam zamanlı bir iş bulma konusunda yaşadığı zorlulukların hikayesini anlatıyor. Evren, küçük yaşlardan itibaren matematik konusunda olağanüstü bir yetenek göstermesine rağmen, bu konu dahil hiçbir zaman herhangi bir eğitim alma şansı olamamış. Memleketinin kültürel adetleri gereği, genç yaşta evlenip aile kurmuş ve bu da haliyle kendini eğitip geliştirmesine pek olanak sağlamamış.
Gerçek anlamda bir eğitim almamasına rağmen Evrenin sayılarla arası her zaman iyiydi, adeta bir hesap makinesi gibiydi. Herhangi bir matematiksel işlemi zihninden yapabildiği için kendisine, “Hesap Makinesi Teyze" denmeye başlanmıştı. Esinden ayrıldıktan sonra kendini Avustralya'da daha da yalnız, evinden uzak bir ülkede tek başına çocuklarını yetiştiriyor buldu. Ancak Evren, kendisi ve çocuklarının daha iyi yaşamasını sağlayacak bir hayat kurmaya kararlıydı. İlk is, mahallesindeki yerel konseyin yardımıyla, yaşlılar için bir matematik kulübünde öğretmen asistanı olarak gündelik bir işe başladı. Zamanla kendine güveni gelmiş, bir yandan TAFE'de eğitim almaya başlamış diğer yandan çalışmaya devam ederek muhasebe alanında yöneticiliğe kadar uzanan bir kariyer ile tam zamanlı bir işe sahip olmuştu. Evren şimdi tek başına ailesinin geçimini sağlamakta ve matematiksel yeteneğini profesyonel hayatında başarılı bir şekilde kullanarak iyi bir yaşam sürmektedir.
About the storyteller
Evren, matematik alanında olağanüstü bir yeteneğe sahip bir Türk Avustralyalı göçmendir. Bu bölümde, ailesinin geçimini sağlamak ve bağımsız bir şekilde hayatına yön vermek için, adeta ayaklı bir hesap makinesi gibi bilinen matematik yeteneğini de kullanarak yaptigi kariyeri ve yasadiklarinin hikayesini anlatiyor.
(This episode follows the life of Evren, a Turkish Australian migrant who has hearing loss, who shares her journey of finding fulfilling full-time work. Although Evren showed an extraordinary mathematical talent from a young age, she never had the chance to study mathematics or gain a formal education. Following the cultural customs of her hometown, Evren married and started a family at a young age, which made self-improvement seem out of reach.
Despite her lack of formal education, Evren was always good with numbers and is like a human calculator. As she can do any mathematical process in her mind, she has earned the nickname "Aunty the Human Calculator". Evren found herself isolated in Australia following a divorce, now living as a single-parent in a country far from her home. However, Evren was determined to build a life that would allow her and her children to live well. Through the help of her local council and community, Evren secured a casual job as a teacher’s assistant in a math club for seniors. As she gained confidence, she pursued studies at TAFE and secured a full-time job in admin within the field of accounting. She is now providing for her family as a single-parent and using her mathematical talent to lead a fulfilling life.
About the storyteller
Evren is a Turkish Australian migrant who has an exceptional talent for numbers. In this episode, she shares her life story and her journey to finding fulfilling work that uses her skills as a 'human calculator' to provide for herself and her family, and give her greater independence.
)
Friday Dec 03, 2021
고양이와 함께하는 세계여행 (Around the World With my Cats)
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
세계여행은 쎄라 씨가 20년 가까이 간직해 온 버킷 리스트입니다. 그 꿈이 곧 이루어지려고 합니다. 쎄라 씨와 남편은 코로나 상황이 나아지는 대로 여행을 떠날 계획입니다. 이번 여행엔 고양이들이 함께할 예정이라 이전의 여행과는 아주 다른 특별한 여행이 될 것입니다. 쎄라 씨는 고양이들이 함께 세계여행을 갈 수 있도록 많은 것을 계획하고 준비하느라 분주합니다. 누군가는 ‘사서 고생’한다고 말하겠지만, 쎄라 씨는 이 특별한 준비가 정말 신이 납니다. 그동안 했던 준비사항과 앞으로 할 일들은 모두 그녀의 유튜브에 공개되어 반려동물과 여행을 생각하는 분들께 공유될 것입니다.
About the storyteller
쎄라 씨는 다리가 불편하지만, 장애는 그녀를 규정하지 않습니다. 네 마리의 반려묘와 함께 사는 그녀의 일상은 때론 힘들지만 무엇과도 바꿀 수 없는 행복입니다. 380만 회가 넘는 조회수를 기록한 쎄라 씨의 유튜브는 반려묘와 함께 사는 세계 곳곳의 사람들과 소통하는 창구 역할을 합니다.
(Travelling around the world has been on Sarah’s bucket-list for the last two decades. Finally, her dream is going to come true! Sarah and her husband will embark on their journey as soon as the pandemic situation changes. This upcoming trip will be very different from their previous travels, as they will accompanied by their cats. Sarah has been busy with planning and arranging things so the cats can travel abroad. Some people may think ‘why bother’ but she finds this special preparation exciting. Sarah has been and will be putting down lists of the things done for the world trip with the cats, which will be available on her YouTube for people interested in travelling with their pets.
About the storyteller
Sarah has an impaired leg, but her disability does not define her. She lives with four cats, which keeps her busy but brings irreplaceable joy to her every day. As a YouTuber, Sarah has been making and sharing videos of the casts since they came to her house two years ago. With more than 3.8 million views, Sarah’s YouTube allows her to meet cat-loving people all around the world.
)
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Tħabat, Irnexxejt. (My Endeavours, My Triumphs)
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
F’dan l-episodju, qed ningħaqdu my Maryanne, li se taqsam magħna l-attivitajiet differenti li esplorat waqt il-COVID-19 biex tnaqqas l-esperjenza tal-iżolament. L-attivitajiet mhux biss għenuha issaħħah ir-rabtiet mal-komunità, imma għenuha ttejjeb il-ħiliet motorji fini. Maryanne kburija bil-kisbiet tagħha, u taqsam kif b’dawn issib s-sens ta’ skop għal-ħajja u li tħoss li hi parti mill-komunita’.
About the storyteller
Fl-1975, Maryanne twieldet tlett xhur qabel iż-żmien bil-kundizzjoni cerebral palsy, u tuża siġġu tar-roti biex tmur minn post għal ieħor. Maryanne għandha passjoni biex taqbeż għad-drittijiet tal-persuni b’diżabilità u appoġġjat proġetti tal-kunsill billi użat l-esperjenza tad-diżabilita’ tagħha biex tgħarraf dan ir-rwol. Kisbet ‘Diploma in Community Services’ kif ukoll ‘Certifcate II and III in Administration’ u ‘Certificate IV in Training and Assessment’. Hija mlaħħqa bħala ‘integration aide’ u tagħmel ħafna voluntarjat u ġbir ta’ fondi għal għaqdiet differenti fil-ħin liberu tagħha.
(In this episode, we are joined by Maryanne, who shares the different activities she explored during COVID-19 to help ease her experience of isolation. The activities not only helped her develop deeper connections in the community, but also helped her improve her fine motor skills. Maryanne is proud of her achievements, and shares how they have supported her sense of purpose and community belonging.
About the storyteller
In 1975, Maryanne was born 3 months premature with cerebral palsy, and uses a wheelchair to get around. Maryanne is passionate about disability advocacy and has supported council projects in this capacity by using her lived experience of disability to inform her role. She has completed a Diploma in Community Services as well as Certificate 2 and 3 Administration, and a Certificate 4 Training and Assessment. She is a qualified integration aide, and does a lot of volunteering and fundraising for different organisations in her free time.
)
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Servicio de Asistencia al pasajero (Passenger Services Assistance )
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Hoy vamos a hablar de los servicios de transporte que ofrecen accesibilidad a personas con discapacidad.
Keolis Downer proporciona servicios de transporte a personas en toda Australia, incluso en Melbourne, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide y la región de Australia Meridional. En Australia del Sur, Keolis Downer ofrece los servicios de transporte Adelaide Metro, SouthLink y LinkSA.
About the guest speaker
Oscar Carillo es un chileno que vive en Adelaide por más de 20 años. Su trabajo es brindar servicios de calidad para las personas que necesitan viajar a diferentes lugares recibiendo la asistencia que puedan necesitar.
Para poder realizar este trabajo, la asistencia de servicios al pasajero necesita realizar diferentes formaciones como accesibilidad, conciencia cultural y formación de guías humanos que vamos a discutir más a fondo durante este episodio.
(Today we are going to talk about transport services that offer accessibility to people with disability.
Keolis Downer provides transport services to people around Australia, including in Melbourne, the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and regional South Australia. In South Australia, Keolis Downer deliver the Adelaide Metro, SouthLink and LinkSA transport services.
About the guest speaker
Oscar Carillo is a Chilean living in Adelaide for more than 20 years. His job is to bring quality services for people who need to travel to different locations with assistance. To be able to do this job, the passenger services assistant needs to complete specialised training such as accessibility, cultural awareness and human guide training which we are going to discuss further during this episode.
)
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
शारीरिक अशक्तता भएका व्यक्तिहरूलाई सम्मान (Respecting People With Disability)
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
डिस्याविलिटी क्षेत्रमा काम गर्नहरुका लागि प्रतीकले केही नयाँ सुझा दिएका छन् । उनी भन्छन्, ''मानिसको जिन्दगीको ठेगान छैन तपाइ हामी मध्ये जो कोही कुनै पनि बेला अपाङ्गता हुन सक्छौ।” त्यसैले अपाङ्गताबारेमा सकारात्मक सोचौँ र सम्मान गरौँ । यदि तपाइ मध्ये अपाङ्गताको क्षेत्रमा काम गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने उनीहरूको आत्मबल र आत्म निर्णयको अधिकार लाई सम्मान गर्नुहोस् साथै दैनिक कार्य योजना बनाउँदा उनीहरूको अत्मनिर्णलाइ आत्मसाथ गर्नुहोस् भन्ने सन्देश प्रतीकले दिएका छन् ।
About the guest speaker
प्रतीक सिग्देल विगत दुई वर्ष देखि उत्तरी तास्मानियाको एक अपाङ्गता स्याहार केन्द्रका हेरचाह कार्यकर्ता हुन् । उनले दैनिक ३५ जना भन्दा बढी अपाङ्गता भएका व्याक्तिहरुको हेरचाह गर्छन् । उनीहरूलाई खुसी राख्नमै प्रतीक दिनचर्या हो । उनीहरू प्रतीकले नियमित कार्यक्रम बाहेक पनि आफूसँग भएको सिप तथा क्षमताले भ्याए सम्म विभिन्न गतिविधिमा सामेल गराउँछन् । जसले गर्दा उनीहरूलाई खुसी साथ बस्न मद्दत पुगिरहेको हुन्छ ।
(Pratik has some suggestions for those working in the field of disability. He shares that, "there is no certainty about human life and anyone of us can be disabled at any time. That is why let's think positively about disability and respect it." Pratik provides advice to others working in the disability sector, stressing the importance of respecting people with disability's right to self-determination and empowering their confidence when making daily action plans.
About the guest speaker
Pratik Sigdel has been a care worker at a disability care centre in Northern Tasmania for the last two years. He cares for more than 35 people with disabilities daily. Pratik ensures that his clients are living well and feeling happy. Besides his regular work, Pratik engages his clients in various activities based on their ability to help them to live happily.
)
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
En esta oportunidad vamos a hablar con un Fisioterapeuta en Discapacidad. Esta mujer lleva más de 20 años trabajando con personas con discapacidad motivándolas a realizar actividades al aire libre como jardinería, caminar y disfrutar de los parques nacionales alrededor de Adelaida que ofrecen fácil acceso a la comunidad.
Ha notado que los pacientes que salen afuera están más felices que los que se quedan en casa.
A través de este podcast motivaremos a la gente a salir y disfrutar de la naturaleza porque es una prueba de que la gente se siente mucho mejor.
Para encontrar un fisioterapeuta cerca de usted, que hable su idioma, vaya a https://choose.physio/find-a-physio
Algunos navegadores pueden traducir la página web por usted. Por ejemplo, en Chrome, vaya a la sección de configuración, haga clic en 'avanzado', haga clic en la flecha hacia abajo junto a 'idioma' y haga clic en Agregar idioma para agregar su idioma.
About the guest speaker
Lucrecia es una mujer argentina que vive en Adelaide. Es una fisioterapeuta con una valiosa experiencia y mucho trabajo.
Estudió y asistió a muchos cursos de buena calidad como Bobath Concept. Le encanta estar en la naturaleza y se dedica a la jardinería cuando tiene tiempo. Le encantan los animales, sus hijos riendo juntos y compartiendo un buen café con su marido.
Tiene su propio negocio llamado Sendero's Pathologist donde no tratan condiciones ni patologías; sino Ayudan a las personas a alcanzar sus objetivos mejorando la calidad y la eficiencia de su movimiento.
Lucrecia puede ayudar a personas brindándoles una evaluación, asesoramiento y terapia funcionales y holísticos en la comodidad de su hogar o en un lugar de trabajo, pero el mejor lugar para sus terapias es al aire libre. De este punto estaremos hablando el día de hoy.
(In this interview, we are going to talk with a Physiotherapist specialising in disability. This woman has more than 20 years experience working with people who have a disability, motivating them to do outdoor activities such as gardening, walking and enjoying the national parks around Adelaide that offer easy access to the community.
She has noticed that patients who go outside are happier that the ones who stay at home.
Though this podcast, we will motivate people to go outside and enjoy nature because it is proof that people feel much better.
To find a physiotherapist near you, who speaks your language go to https://choose.physio/find-a-physio
Some browsers can translate the web page for you. For example in Chrome go to the settings section, click on 'advanced', click the down arrow next to 'language' and click on Add Language to add your language.
About the guest speaker
Lucrecia is an Argentine woman who lives in Adelaide. She is a physical therapist with valuable experience under her belt. She studied and attended many high quality courses like Bobath Concept. She is a nature-lover and is also into gardening when she has time. She loves animals, her children laughing together and sharing a good coffee with her husband.
Lucrecia has her own business, Sendero Physiotherapy, where she does not treat conditions or pathologies, but rather, help people to achieve their goals by improving the quality and efficiency of their movement. Lucrecia can help people by providing holistic and functional assessment, counselling and therapy in the comfort of their home or in a workplace, but the best place for her therapies is outdoors. We will be talking about this point today.