
People with disabilities from culturally diverse communities sharing practical tips about living well. Listen to our content sorted by language at speakmylanguage.com.au The Speak My Language (Disability) program involves people with disabilities from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and other guest speakers, sharing practical tips and resources to support living well with a disability. Speak My Language (Disability) is funded by Commonwealth Department of Social Services and is proudly delivered via an historic partnership between all State and Territory Ethnic and Multicultural Communities‘ Councils across Australia.

Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
True Ability tiene como misión crear obras de teatro profesionales mostrando artistas que viven con discapacidades en Adelaide. Los invitamos a escuchar este episodio, lleno de risas, esperanza y mucha igualdad.
About the guest speaker
En el episodio de hoy estaremos hablando con Alirio Zavarce, un director y creador de teatro ganador de múltiples premios por derecho propio y ha desarrollado una metodología única y distinta de teatro documental que combina cine, imagen en movimiento y representación en vivo en múltiples trabajos. Ha creado trabajos en cárceles, centros de detención, universidades nacionales e internacionales, escuelas con jóvenes en riesgo, con comunidades multiculturales y lingüísticamente diversas.
Después de participar en diferentes proyectos con un éxito masivo, Alirio decidió en 2020 junto con la directora creativa Kelly Vincent y la productora Juliette Zavarce - crear el proyecto de True Ability.
(True Ability's mission is to create professional plays featuring artists living with disabilities in Adelaide. We invite you to listen to this episode full of laughter, hope and with a focus on empowering equality.
About the guest speaker
In today's episode, we will be talking to Alirio Zavarce, a multi-award winning theatre director and creator who has developed a unique and distinct multimodal form of documentary theatre that combines film, moving image and live performance in multiple works. He has used his creative programme in prisons, detention centres, national and international universities, schools with at-risk youth, and within multicultural and linguistically diverse communities.
In 2020, following the success of his various projects, Alirio teamed up with creative director Kelly Vincent and producer Juliette Zavarce to create the True Ability project.
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Thursday Dec 09, 2021
음악과 함께할 때 우린 다르지 않아요 (With Music, We Are No Different)
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
에벤에젤 미션은 장애/비장애 구분 없이 함께 할 수 있는 음악 프로그램을 제공합니다. 얼마 전 프로그램에 참여하는 분들과 가족들, 지역사회와 함께하는 에벤 패밀리 페스티벌을 성공리에 마쳤습니다. 장애를 가진 에벤 참여자들은 프로그램을 통해 타인과 소통하는 기회도 갖고, 다른 참여자들은 장애에 관해 더 알아 가는 기회를 갖게 됩니다. 에벤은 음악 프로그램 외에도 많은 활동을 하는데, 요즘 가장 인기 있는 프로그램은 양초 만들기라고 합니다. 양초를 만드는 과정도 재미있지만, 거기에서 그치지 않고 지역 사회에 판매하면서 경제 활동을 체험하게 됩니다. 그래서 장애를 가진 분들께 에벤은 일상의 즐거움이 피어나는 곳이고, 새로운 것에 도전하기 위한 도움닫기입니다.
About the guest speaker
에벤에젤의 차민정 대표가 음악 선교의 여정에 나선 것은 단순히 그녀가 시드니 대학에서 음악을 전공한 까닭은 아닙니다. 음악을 통해 보다 포용적인 사회를 만드는 것은 어린 시절의 그녀가 표현하지 못했지만 늘 마음속에 담아두었던 꿈이자 소명이었다고 합니다. 강산이 두 번이나 변할 시간 동안 에벤 미션과 함께 했던 차 대표에게 에벤은 가족이나 다름없습니다. 장애를 가진 분들이 그들을 감싸고 있는 ‘껍질’을 깨고 세상과 대화하려는 노력을 두 눈으로 지켜보는 차 대표의 마음은 뭉클해집니다. 누구보다 그들의 노력을 잘 알기 때문입니다. 그에 비해 장애를 바라보는 이들의 노력은 여전히 부족함이 없지 않다고 느끼는 차 대표는 오늘도 더 포용적인 사회를 만들기 위한 아름다운 선율을 만들고 있습니다.
(Ebenezer Mission offers a music program where people with and without disabilities can come together. The organisation has recently completed its annual music festival with people with disabilities, their families and communities. The Eben participants with disabilities have the opportunity to communicate with other people through the program, and other participants have the opportunity to learn more about disability. Eben does a lot of activities besides music programs, and one of the most popular activities these days is candle making. Participants have fun making candles, yet they don't stop there. They also go out to the market where they experience a basic economic transaction by selling their products. Therefore, for people with disabilities, Eben is a place where living well begins and new challenges are encouraged.
About the guest speaker
Ms Cha Min-jung has embarked on her journey of music missions, not simply because of her music degree from the University of Sydney. From when she was a young girl, she wished to use music to make society more inclusive, and this dream has guided her into adulthood. Eben Mission is almost like a family to Ms Cha, who has been on a journey with the organisation over the last 20 years. She is filled with emotion whenever she witnesses the efforts of people with disabilities coming out of their “shell” to better connect with the world. She knows their strenuous efforts better than anyone else. Compared to their efforts, Ms Cha believes, the efforts of those who encounter disabilities are still lacking. Hence, Ms Cha continues to uplift the melody of an inclusive society being performed at Eben.
)
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
The Pursuit of Personal and Professional Excellence (السعي للتميّز الشخصي والمهني)
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
في هذه الحلقة، يحدثنا عمر عن انخراطه في العمل الاجتماعي والانساني في أستراليا ويشاركنا بتفاصيل عن خطوات اتخذها لتطوير ذاته وتأمين النجاح المهني والحياة العائلية السعيدة. ستستمعون الى قصة رجل عصامي أصرّ على النجاح عبر المثابرة في تطوير المهارات والصفات الشخصية.
About the storyteller
بدأ عمر أحمد، العراقي الأصل، رحلته في أستراليا سنة 2010. في البداية حضر الى أستراليا مع وفد عراقي كمهندس زراعي متدرب ثم تقدّم بطلب تأشيرة الحماية واللجوء في أستراليا. لقد نجح عمر في عمله كمهندس زراعي في العراق ولكنه بدأ رحلة مهنية جديدة في مجال العمل الإنساني والاجتماعي في أستراليا. يعمل عمر حاليا في مؤسسة One Culture LTD كمدرب للشباب وتأهيلهم للدخول في مجال العمل وأيضاً في مؤسسة حيث يقوم بمهمة مدير علاقات الشراكة والتعاون Visgrow Internships
(In this podcast, Omar tells us about his work in the area of Community Services in Australia and shares thorough details about strategies he put in place to secure successful employment and a happy family life. You will hear the story of a self-made man determined to succeed while persevering in developing his skills and personal attributes.
About the storyteller
Omar Ahmad, originally form Iraq, has been in Australia since 2010. He arrived first to Australia to complete a university internship in Agronomy then he applied for a Protection visa to stay in Australia. Omar was a successful agronomist but started a new professional life in the area of community services in Australia. Currently he is working as a Youth Mentor at One Culture LTD and a Community Partnership Manager at Visgrow Internships.
)
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
تمكين القدرات عبر الفن (Empowering People Through Art)
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
في هذه الحلقة، يحدثنا يوحنا نشمي عن محترفاته الفنية الإدماجية ( سيراميك/خزف أو فخار) وكيف يمكن أن يشارك فيها اي شخص مهما كانت قدراته وإمكانياته بما فيه الأشخاص من ذوي الإعاقة. يصنع يوحنا في محترفه في سيدني أدوات تستعمل في الحياة اليومية مثل الأكواب والصحون والفناجين وأيضاً يخلق التماثيل الفنية. يساعد يوحنا المشاركين في محترفه لتحقيق مشاريع من تصميمهم ويدربهم على استعمال الطين بينما ينفذون مشاريعهم. في بداية التدريب يُعرّف يوحنا المشاركين على كل مرافق الاستديو ويسنح لهم فرصة اللعب بالطين ويتبادل معهم القصص التي تهمهم. يصمم يوحنا خدماته حسب احتياجات واهتمامات المشاركين ويوفر لهم فرصةً لعرض منتوجاتهم في معارض جماعية مما يعزّز الثقة بالنفس ويجلب سعادة كبيرة للجميع. يعتقد يوحنا أن المشاركة الفنية تعطي لكل فرد دوره في المجتمع حيث أنها تسمح بالتعبير عن النفس وبالاعتراف بالابداع لدى الأشخاص من ذوي الإعاقة.
إتبعوا هذا الرابط لمشاهدة فيديو يعرض النشاطات الادماجية المتوفرة في محترفات يوحنا.
About the guest speaker
يعمل يوحنا نشمي في مجال العمل الاجتماعي مع مؤسسة Relationships Australia وهو أيضاً فنان خزفي في ستديو ومعرض NeshmART نشمارت. يقوم يوحنا بتدريس فن الخزف في العديد من المراكز الفنية وأيضاً في ستوديو نشمارت حيث يقدم ورش عمل إدماجية مفتوحة للجميع بما في ذلك الأشخاص من ذوي الإعاقة. تتميز ورش يوحنا الخزفية بأسلوب علاجي وتوفر بيئة آمنة وشاملة وإبداعية لتعلّم مهارات صناعة الفخار وكما توفر أيضاً فرصاً لتطوير مهارات التواصل مع الآخرين والمشاركة في التفاعل الاجتماعي.
إن كنتم تبحثون عن فرص للمشاركة الفنية المفتوحة للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة في NSW زوروا موقع www.frontup.org.au
وإن كنتم تعيشون في ولايات أو مناطق أخرى في أستراليا، زوروا موقع دليل الفنون المتاحة للجميع في أستراليا
Australian Accessible Arts Directory https://chooseart.com.au
In this podcast, Yuhana Nashmi discusses his inclusive ceramic workshops that are open to everyone regardless of their abilities and capabilities, including people with disabilities. In his Sydney workshop, Yuhana produces everyday objects such as cups, plates and mugs, as well as art objects. Yuhana helps workshop participants design and create their own projects and teaches them to use clay during the creation process. At the beginning of the workshops, Yuhana takes participants on a tour to introduce them to all aspects of his studio. He offers them the opportunity to play with clay and to exchange stories based on their interests. Yuhana designs his services according to the participants’ needs and interests and offers them the opportunity to participate in group exhibitions which strengthen self-confidence and brings great happiness to everyone. Yuhana believes that engaging in art makes it possible to each individual to have a role in society as it allows self-expression and acknowledging the creativity in people with disabilities.
Follow this link to view a video showcasing the inclusive activities that take place in Yuhana's workshops.
About the guest speaker
Yuhana Nashme works as a Group Facilitator/Leader at Relationships Australia and is a Ceramic Artist at NeshmART Ceramic Gallery & Studio. Yuhana has been teaching ceramic art in various art centres and in NeshmaART Studio where he provides inclusive workshops open to everyone including people with disabilities. Yuhana’s ceramic workshops have a therapeutic approach and are tailored to the needs/abilities of the participants. Workshop participants learn pottery skills in a safe, inclusive and creative environment where they are also offered the opportunity to develop their communication skills and to engage in social interaction.
If you are looking for more accessible art opportunities in NSW, visit www.frontup.org.au
If you are based in other states and territories, visit the Australian Accessible Arts Directory at https://chooseart.com.au
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Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
الحياة حلوة والسعادة وراء الباب (Life is Beautiful and Happiness is Around the Corner)
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
في هذه الحلقة، تحدثنا ألسي عن حياتها اليومية مع عائلتها وأصدقائها. وتشاركنا بتفاصيل من تجربتها أثناء الدراسة وفي العمل وأيضاً في التطوع في مدرسة الأحد. بالرغم من كل التحديات، اكتسبت ألسي نظرة ايجابية ومرحة في الحياة وتعتقد أن السعادة حق للجميع.
About the storyteller
ألسي مارون، البالغة من العمر 32 عامًا، أصيبت بالشلل الدماغي حين ولادتها وهاجرت إلى أستراليا مع أسرتها منذ 22 عامًا. تلقت ألسي تعليمها الابتدائي والثانوي في أستراليا ودرست أيضاً في كلية الدراسات المهنية وعملت في مجال الخدمات الانسانية. تنعم ألسي بعلاقات ايجابية مع أفراد عائلتها وتحب الخروج مع الأصدقاء وأيضاً التطوع مع الكنيسة حيث تدرّس في مدرسة الأحد.
(In this podcast, Elsie talks about her daily life with her family and friends. She shares details from her experiences while studying, at work and also volunteering at Sunday School. Despite challenges she confronts, Elsie has gained a positive and cheerful view on life and believes that happiness is everyone's right.
About the storyteller
Elsie, 32 years old, has been living with cerebral palsy since birth. She migrated to Australia with her family 22 years ago. Elsie received her primary and secondary education in Australia then she studied at TAFE and worked in the human services sector. Elsie enjoys a positive relationship with members of her family and loves to go out with friends, as well as volunteering with the church where she teaches at Sunday School.
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Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
كرة القدم للجميع (Football for all)
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
بغض النظر عن مستوى قدراتك، تستطيع أن تتعلّم أو تحسّن المهارات اللازمة للاستمتاع بلعب كرة القدم. نادر إبراهيم، يشارك المستمعين كيف تقدم منظمته تدريبًا إدماجاياً لكرة القدم متاحاً لكل الأشخاص من خلفيات متنوعة ثقافيًا ولغويًا بما فيهم الأفراد من ذوي الإعاقة. يقدم لنا نادر تفاصيلاً دقيقة حول عملية التدريب وتعزيز الإمكانيات والمهارات التي يمكن أن تقدمها أي منظمة أسترالية مماثلة بغض النظر عن مكان الإقامة. علاوة على ذلك، نقدم لمستمعينا قصة من صميم تجربة إيجابية حول بناء الثقة بالنفس وتقوية الروابط الاجتماعية.
شاهدوا هذا الفيديو عن الخدمات الإدماجية للمؤسسة
About the guest speaker
نادر إبراهيم هو مؤسس One Culture Football وحاصل على بكالوريوس في الصحافة من مصر حيث ولد وعاش لمدة 27 عاماً. هاجر نادر إلى أستراليا في عام 2009 للدراسة ولقد حصل على دبلوم في الخدمات الإجتماعية. يدرس نادر حاليًا دبلوم إدارة الأعمال في معهد Adelaide للأعمال والتكنولوجيا AIPT وهذا بمنحة دراسية من DCSI. يتمتع نادر بعلاقات متينة مع أفرادالجالية المصرية والمسلمة في جنوب أستراليا ويشارك في العديد من الأنشطة الاجتماعية.
يتميّز نادر بالتأثير الإيجابي في المجتمع وخاصة بين أولئك الذين ينتمون إلى خلفيات ثقافية متنوعة.
(No matter what level of physical ability you have, you still can learn and improve the necessary skills to enjoy playing football. Nader Ibrahim shares with listeners how his organisation has been offering inclusive football training to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Nader presents us with thorough details about the training process and the inclusion possibilities that you may found anywhere in similar Australian organisations. Furthermore, you will hear a story about building confidence and strengthening social connections. View this video to learn more about the organisation's inclusive services.
About the guest speaker
Nader is a founder of the One Culture Football and has a Bachelor of Journalism from Egypt where he was born and lived for 27 years. Nader migrated to Australia in 2009 as international student where he has undertaken a Diploma in Community Service. Nader is currently studying a Diploma of Business Management at Adelaide Institute of Business and Technology AIPT as a scholarship through DCSI. Nader has a strong relation in the Egyptian and Muslim community in South Australia and has been active in many community events.
Nader leads the team who are creating a lot of positive impact in the community, especially amongst those who come from diverse backgrounds.
)
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
轮椅可以进出的餐厅 - 霍巴特 (Wheelchair Accessible Restaurant in Hobart )
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
霍巴特有许多餐厅可供残障人士使用,有很多文化美食可供您享用。 听众朋友们可以访问澳大利亚美食和旅游指南网站搜索更多场所。www.agfg.com.au/restaurants/hobart/disabled-category.
About the guest speaker
今天我们的特邀嘉宾是Benson,是霍巴特Souta Japanese Restaurant 的经营者。
餐厅位于:shop2/73-75 Main Rd, Moonah TAS 700
(In this interview program, Benson will share with us how their small team has changed the store environment and layout in order to make it easier for people with disabilities to eat in the restaurant, as well as the restaurant's plans and goals in the future.
There are many restaurants in Hobart that are accessible for people with disabilities, featuring lots of cultural cuisines to be enjoyed. Listeners can visit the Australian Good Food & Travel Guide website to search for other venues that are accessible www.agfg.com.au/restaurants/hobart/disabled-category.
About the guest speaker
Our special guest today is Benson, who runs Souta Japanese Restaurant in Hobart. The restaurant is located at shop 2/73-75 Main Rd, Moonah TAS 7009.
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Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Engellilik konusunda çalışan ve yine farklı kültür ve dilden gelen bir kişi olarak, değişik kültürlerde engelliliğe olan bakış acisini ve bu önyargılardan bahsederken, bu tarz zorluklara nasıl meydan okunabileceği ile ilgili bilgiler verecek. Tolun, herşeyin insanlar için olduğunu ve her şeye rağmen hayatin çok güzel ve yasamaya değer olduğunu vurgularken, önemli olan yârdim almaktan çekinmemek olduğunu soyluyor
About the guest speaker
Konuk konuşmacım Tolun, 11 yıl önce Avustralya'ya göç etmiş, su an profesyonel olarak engelliler ile çalışmakta olan Türk asilli bir Avustralyalıdır. Demans, Zihinsel Engellilik, Ölümcül Alkol Spektrum Bozukluğu ve Otizm sahibi, kültürel ve dilsel açıdan gelen farklı bireyler ve özelikle gençlere hizmet verirken, onların engellerine rağmen toplumda daha iyi yaşamalarına destek olmaktadır.
(Through his work as a disability practitioner, Tolun has made it his mission to support people with disabilities to access safe and inclusive mainstream spaces and activities. He shares how he works with people who have disabilities to remove barriers in workplaces or home to empower people to achieve their full potential. As a culturally diverse individual working in this field, he also identifies how different cultures may view disability through a lens of stigma and misinformation and emphasizes the importance of challenging these views. Through his time as a CALD trainer and team member in the Red Cross, Tolun has gained a deep insight into the experiences of people with disabilities from multicultural communities. No matter what happens in life, he maintains the belief that 'life is beautiful.’
About the guest speaker
Mr Feyyaz Tolun Savut is a Turkish Australian who migrated to Australia 11 years ago. He is now a freelance disability practitioner supporting people with Dementia, Intellectual Disability, Fatal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Autism. He frequently works with culturally and linguistically diverse individuals in his professional life and mostly with young people who have disabilities to support them to live life well.
)
Friday Dec 03, 2021
家庭心理健康支持服务 (Family Mental Health Support Services)
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
您可以访问 https://www.dss.gov.au/our-responsibilities/mental-health/programs-services/family-mental-health-support-services/locating-a-family-mental-health-support-service-fmhss 来找到在您当地的家庭心理健康支持服务团队。
About the guest speaker
Rita Fu 来自中国杭州,她已经在阿德莱德生活了10年。Rita 年轻时就渴望在社区服务领域发展自己的事业, 她拥有弗林德斯大学社会工作硕士学位,以及昆士兰大学中文翻译和口译文学研究生证书。Rita很自豪能成为一名社会工作者,目前她在Uniting Communities的家庭心理健康支持服务团队工作,采取早期干预的理念为儿童和年轻人提供支持,以帮助他们达到最佳的情绪健康和心理健康状态。
(In this episode, Rui and Rita the counsellor will talk about Family Mental Health Support Services (FMHSS), which can be very useful for many people especially parents. Rita will share how a counsellor can assist people, even kids, to live well so they can achieve their optimal emotional wellbeing and mental health. Rita will also introduce how to get involved in Family Mental Health Support Services (FMHSS) over Australia.
You can find Family Mental Health Support Services(FMHSS) in your area by visiting https://www.dss.gov.au/our-responsibilities/mental-health/programs-services/family-mental-health-support-services/locating-a-family-mental-health-support-service-fmhss
About the guest speaker
Rita Fu is originally from Hangzhou, China. She has been living in Adelaide for 10 years. Rita was inspired to develop her career in community services at a young age. She holds a Master of Social Work with Flinders University, as well as a Graduate Certificate in Arts in Chinese Translation and Interpreting with University of Queensland. Rita is proud to be a social worker and is currently working in the Family Mental Health Support Service team for Uniting Communities, providing therapeutic support in early intervention space for children and young people, to achieve their optimal emotional wellbeing and mental health.
)
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Zumba: un entrenamiento bailable divertido (Teaching Zumba: Fitness and Fun)
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
En este episodio Jorge nos inspira a encontrar algo que nos apasione en la vida para asi tener la oportunidad de ser feliz cuando lo practicas. Este hombre nos enseña lo importante de estar conectado con la comunidad y de estar orgulloso de donde venimos. Pues es allí la base del éxito en cualquier ámbito de la vida. A bailar Zumba para sentirse bien tanto físico como mentalmente.
About the storyteller
Jorge Luis Nava es un Venezolano de 35 años de edad. Es Ingeniero industrial, graduado en Venezuela en el año 2007. Apasionado en lo Académico, unas de sus pasiones es enseñar todo lo que sabe, es por esto que con tan solo 21 años de edad al terminar sus estudios universitarios, comenzó a dar clases en una universidad en el area de Ingeniería. Un profesor bastante joven diría yo.
En el año 2010 y con solo 24 años de edad, decidió migrar a Australia sin conocer absolutamente a nadie. Llego a Australia como Estudiante Internacional a estudiar un Master en Ingeniería. Durante sus estudios en Australia, pensó en quizás seguir ejerciendo lo académico, pero por varias razones decidió que no era lo que quería y exploro bailar profesionalmente por Varios años con las ganas de enseñar ritmos Latinos a Australianos.
En paralelo a su hobby de bailar, Jorge ha trabajando por muchos años en el area de Recursos Humanos, pues él disfruta mucho de la interacción con colegas y una de sus habilidades es ayudar a resolver las inquietudes que el equipo de trabajo pueda tener.
En el año 2019, decidió certificarse como instructor de Zumba, y fue cuando descubrió que dar clases y bailar, era lo que mas disfrutaba, sobre todo al ver la gente reír, bailar, sudar y avanzar en el mundo del baile latinoamericano. Tengo que destacar que Jorge a perdido 12 Kilos desde hace un año para acá con sus practicas de Zumba.
Ahora su pasión por el baile dejo de ser un hubby y empezó a ser un emprendimiento. Jorge desarrollo su marca como instructor de Zumba llamada Sumbaloz y con tan solo 1 año y medio del lanzamiento ya ofrece 7 clases permanentes a la semana en varios suburbios de Adelaide, además de entretener eventos sociales, corporativos y educativos.
(In this episode, Jorge inspires us to find something that we are passionate about in life so that we have the opportunity to be happy when you practice it. He teaches us how important it is to be connected to the community and to be proud of where we come from. Well, that's the basis of success in any area of life! To dance Zumba is to feel good both physically and mentally.
About the storyteller
Jorge Luis Nava is a 35-year-old Venezuelan. He is an Industrial Engineer who graduated in Venezuela in 2007. With a love for academics, one of his passions is to teach everything he knows. While he was only 21 years old when he finished his university studies, he began to teach at a university in the area of Engineering - a fairly young teacher I would say! In 2010 at only 24 years old, he decided to migrate to Australia without any support network. He came to Australia as an International Student to study a Master of Engineering. During his studies in Australia, he thought about perhaps continuing to pursue academics, but for various reasons decided that it was not what he wanted and he explored professional dance for several years with the desire to teach Latin rhythms to Australians.
In parallel to his hobby of dancing, Jorge has worked for many years in the Human Resources area, as he enjoys interacting with colleagues a lot and one of his skills is to help resolve the concerns that the work team may have. In 2019, he decided to become certified as a Zumba instructor, and that was when he discovered that teaching and dancing was what he enjoyed the most, especially when he saw people laugh, dance, sweat and advance in the world of Latin American dance. I have to emphasise that Jorge has lost 12 kilos within a year with his Zumba practices. Now his passion for dance stopped being a hobby and started to be his enterprise. Jorge developed his brand as a Zumba instructor called Sumbaloz and, within one and a half years from the launch, he already offers 7 permanent classes a week in various Adelaide suburbs, in addition to entertaining social, corporate and educational events.