
People with disabilities from culturally diverse communities sharing practical tips about living well. Listen to our content sorted by language at speakmylanguage.com.au The Speak My Language (Disability) program involves people with disabilities from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and other guest speakers, sharing practical tips and resources to support living well with a disability. Speak My Language (Disability) is funded by Commonwealth Department of Social Services and is proudly delivered via an historic partnership between all State and Territory Ethnic and Multicultural Communities‘ Councils across Australia.

Wednesday May 25, 2022
بناء أعمال شاملة (Building Inclusive Businesses)
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
يتطلب الأمر شخصًا واحدًا في شركة ما لخلق ثقافة شاملة. في هذه المقابلة ، سمعنا من يحيى ، مدير الفريق في Chigwell Milk Bar & Takeaway في هوبارت. بعد أن واجه أحد العملاء على كرسي متحرك صعوبات في الدخول إلى المطعم ، دعا يحيى إلى تعديلات المدخل حتى يتمكن الجميع من الدخول والاستمتاع بالطعام. طلب يحيى لانشاء مدخل يسهل الوصول إليه ، وطاولات وكراسي لاستيعاب الأشخاص من ذوي الإعاقة ، وخدمة توصيل الطعام للأشخاص من ذوي الإعاقة في المناطق المحيطة. تسلط هذه المقابلة الضوء على أهمية إنشاء محلات تسهل الوصول او الدخول إليها وما يستلزم ذلك حتى يشعر كل زبون بالاندماج والاهتمام.
About the guest speaker
يحيى هو مدير فريق Chigwell Milk Bar & Take Away ، وهو أيضًا عامل اجتماعي في مجال الصحة مع الصليب الأحمر الأسترالي. يحيى شغوف بالمساهمة في المجتمع لانشاء مجتمع أكثر شمولية للأشخاص من ذوي الاحتياجات
It takes one person in a business to create an inclusive culture. In this interview, we hear from Yehya, who is the team manager at Chigwell Milk Bar & Takeaway in Hobart. After a customer in a wheelchair had difficulties entering their premises, Yehya advocated for accessibility adjustments so that everyone could enter and enjoy their eatery. Yehya advocated for an accessible entryway, tables and chairs that accomodate people with disability, and a food delivery service for people with disability in the surrounding suburbs. This interview highlights the importance of creating accessible businesses and what that entails, so that every customer can feel included and catered for.
About the guest speaker
Yehya is the team manager for Chigwell Milk Bar & Take Away, and also a community health worker with the Australian Red Cross. Yehya is passionate about contributing to society to create a more inclusive place for people with disabilities.
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Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
الثقافة حول الصحة والاندماج الاجتماعي والأشخاص من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة تتغير باستمرار. من جيل إلى آخر ، هناك مصطلحات جديدة وناشئة لاستخدامها في تحديد الأشخاص من ذوي الاحتياجات ، وغيرهم. قد تكون اللغة نفسها ضارة ومؤلمة ولكن تم ذلك دون علم أفراد المجتمع. يجب التعامل مع الاشخاص من ذوي الاحتياجات بطريقة محترمة ، ودعمهم ، وإبداء آرائهم حول استخدام الصطلحات المناسبة لهم. من المهم ، كأعضاء في المجتمع ، أن نتأكد من أن لغتنا ومعرفتنا الثقافية شامل ، فهناك مصطلحات مختلفة تم استخدامها باللغة العربية لتعريف الأشخاص من ذوي الاحتياجات ، وقد تم الاعتراف على بعض المصطلحات أنهم غير مرحبين ، وتم قبول استخدام المصطلحات الآخرى من عدد من المؤسسات و المنظمات .
About the guest speaker
محمد هوالمدير التنفيذي لمنظمة Variety في تسمانيا. محمد شغوف بالحيوية وحريص على جعل تسمانيا ولاية أكثر شمولاً للعيش فيها. يستمتع محمد بالخروج في الطبيعة وزيارة الأماكن العامة المختلفة. لديه اهتمام في جعل الأماكن العامة مثل الحدائق في متناول الأفراد من ذوي الإعاقة. محمد لديه اهتمام في جعل المجتمع أكثر شمولية من خلال جعل الأماكن العامة كالحدائق في متناول الأفراد من ذوي الإعاقة. محمد يشاركنا أهمية استخدام اللغة المناسبة عندما نتواصل مع الأفراد من ذوي الإعاقة. يحرص محمد على زيادة وعي المجتمع حول استخدام اللغة الصحيحة حول الإعاقة، وتشجيع الأفراد من ذوي الإعاقة لإبداء آرائهم حول كيفية التعامل معهم وزيادة فعاليتهم في المجتمع. في هذه المحادثة مع المدير التنفيذي لمنظمة Variety ، وهي منظمة تعمل على زيادة وعي المجتمع الأسترالي حول أهمية مشاركة الاطفال من جميع القدرات. نتحدث كيف يكون لاستخدام اللغة الشاملة تأثير عميق على ثقافة المجتمع وفعاليته.
(The culture around health, social inclusion, and people with disabilities is constantly changing. From one generation to another, there are new and emerging terms to use to identify people with disabilities, and others. The language we use may be harmful and hurtful, but this has been done without the knowledge of community members. People with disabilities should be identified in a respectful way, supported, and have their say of how they’d like others to address and refer to them. It’s important that as community members we ensure our language and cultural knowledge is inclusive. There are different terms that have been used in Arabic to identify people with disabilities; some of them are being recognised as not so welcoming, and others have been accepted amongst a number of institutions and organisations.
About the guest speaker
Mohamad is the Chief executive officer for Variety in Tasmania. Mohamad is driven by his passion to make Tasmania a more inclusive state to live in. Mohamad enjoys being out in nature and visiting different public spaces. He has interests in making public spaces such as parks more accessible to individuals with disabilities. Mohamad shares the importance of using the appropriate language when we communicate with individuals with disabilities. He is keen to create awareness about using the right language around disability, involving individuals with disabilities to have their say of what and how they best would like to be addressed and engaged in the community. In this conversation with the Tasmanian CEO of Variety, a leading organisation that creates awareness in the Australian community about the inclusion of children of all abilities, we will discuss how the use of inclusive language has a positive effect on the culture of inclusion.
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Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
تقدم المؤسسات التعليمية غالبًا أنشطة ثقافية شاملة يمكن للطلاب من ذوي الاحتياجات الاستمتاع بها. شاركت أشواق في تقديم الإفطار في شهر رمضان المبارك. ساعد الإفطار الطلاب من ذوي الاحتياجات على تكوين روابط إيجابية وممارسة شعائرهم الدينية بشكل شامل. عزز التنظيم من الاندماج الاجتماعي بشكل أفضل حيث حضر 1000 شخص ، بما في ذلك الأفراد من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة ، وكذلك حضروا احتفال نهاية الشهر (العيد). سمح هذا التنظيم الديني الشامل للطلاب بتنمية الشعور بالانتماء داخل مجتمعهم وتحسين وعيهم الثقافي.
About the guest speaker
أشواق ناشطة فعالة لمساعدة الطلاب الدوليين والطلاب ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة. لقد كانت تتطوع مع عدد من المنظمات وكذلك بشكل فردي. تحرص أشواق على توفير وإنشاء أنشطة شاملة تضمن إشتراك الأشخاص من ذوي الاحتياجات ، وخاصة من الطلاب الدوليين ، لتعزيز شعورهم بالانتماء
(Educational institutions often offer inclusive cultural activities that students with disabilities can enjoy. Ashwaq has been engaged in delivering Iftar during the religious month of Ramadan. Iftar has helped students with disabilities create positive connections and practice their religion inclusively. The event has promoted better social inclusion as 1,000 people, including individuals with disabilities, attended the Iftar throughout the month, as well as attended the end of month celebration (Eid). This inclusive faith-based event has allowed students to develop a sense of belonging within their community and improve their cultural awareness.
About the guest speaker
Ashwaq is an active advocate for international students and students with disability. She's been volunteering with number of organisations as well as individually. Ashwaq is keen to provide and create inclusive activities that ensures people with disabilities, and especially from international student backgrounds are included and have sense of belonging.
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Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Aujourd'hui, nous donnons la parole à Marion, une expatriée française en Tasmanie qui vit avec l'endométriose. Depuis son diagnostic, posé il y a sept ans, Marion s'adonne à ses passions: le tir à l'arc, la natation et la méditation. Elle nous explique comment ces activités l'aident à apaiser son esprit actif, à mieux gérer son cycle menstruel et ses douleurs, et favorisent un sentiment de calme. Elle partage aussi ses observations sur les différences de traitement de la maladie entre la France et l'Australie et les dispositions prises par son employeur pour la soutenir.
About the storyteller
Marion est une expatriée française qui vit en Tasmanie depuis 4 ans. Chercheuse en biologie marine, elle partage son temps entre son travail, ses amis et ses loisirs. Quand elle n'est pas dans un laboratoire, Marion arpente les sentiers de randonnée de l'ile. L'endométriose fait partie de sa vie depuis plus de sept ans durant lesquels elle a appris à gérer au mieux ses symptômes et sensibiliser son entourage à cette maladie encore souvent méconnue.
(Today, hear the story of Marion, a French expatriate in Tasmania who lives with endometriosis. Since her diagnosis seven years ago, Marion has pursued her passion for archery, swimming and meditation. She explains how these activities help her calm her active mind, better manage her menstrual cycle and pain, and promote a feeling of calm. She also shares her observations on the differences in the treatment of the disorder between France and Australia and the arrangements made by her employer to support her.
About the storyteller
Marion is a French expatriate who has been living in Tasmania for 4 years. A researcher in marine biology, she divides her time between her work, friends and hobbies. When she's not in a lab, Marion can be found exploring the island's hiking trails. Endometriosis has been a part of her life for more than seven years, during which she has learned to better manage her symptoms and to raise awareness about this disorder, which is still often misunderstood.
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Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tự tin khi bạn có công ăn việc làm (Empowering People through Employment)
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Việc làm không chỉ là để kiếm sống - nó giúp nuôi sống nền kinh tế, phát triển kỹ năng tay nghề và chuyên môn của một người và tạo ra cảm giác giá trị tự bản thân và sự tự lập. Nói tóm lại, một việc làm sẽ mang lại các lợi ích về tài chánh, về mặt tâm lý và xã hội. Đối với một người khuyết tật, tìm được công việc phù hợp có thể là chìa khóa để sống một cuộc sống viên mãn. Trong cuộc phỏng vấn này, người nghe có được những hiểu biết sâu sắc về quá trình mà các cơ quan Tìm Việc Làm phải trải qua khi họ tìm được một công việc phù hợp cho khách hàng của mình. Bất chấp những thách thức có thể xảy ra, điều quan trọng cần nhớ là nếu khách hàng có ý chí, thì sẽ có cách để đạt được mục tiêu của họ.
Có nhiều Dịch Vụ tìm việc làm cho người khuyết tật khắp nước Úc. Để tìm một dịch vu tìm việc làm xin quý vị vào trang mạng "Australian Government Job Access".
About the guest speaker
Cô Michelle là trưởng nhóm tại Max Employment, nơi cô đã làm việc 10 năm. Hầu hết các khách hàng của Michelle đều bị khuyết tật do tai nạn hoặc bị khuyết vì bệnh tật sau này trong cuộc sống của họ. Cô ấy chỉ có một số khách hàng bị khuyết tật trong thời thơ ấu. Cô Michelle chia sẻ một công ty tư vấn việc làm giỏi sẽ tìm mọi cách để tìm việc làm tốt và thích hợp cho khách. Khi làm việc với các nhà tuyển lao động và các ứng cử viên tiềm năng, cô ấy tìm các khả năng để giải quyết mọi khúc mắc trước khi, trong khi và sau quá trình làm việc. Cô ấy khuyên những khách có khuyết tật nên "cho bản thân cơ hội làm thử các công việc khác nhau" và cung cấp đầy đủ thông tin cá nhân cho các người chủ hoặc công ty mướn mình, để họ hiểu nhu cầu và đồng cảm với mình. Nếu họ đã có nhã ý mướn mình thì họ sẽ cố gắng tìm ra một công viêc thích hợp nhất cho mình. Khi có sự tin tưởng lẫn nhau được thiết lập, nhà tuyển dụng sẽ có thể giúp các khách hàng tốt hơn.
(Being employed is not just about making a living - it helps feed the economy, develops a person’s manual and soft skills and creates a sense of self-worth and independence. In short, a job gives psychological, social and financial benefits. For a person with a disability, finding the right job can be the key to living a fulfilling life. In this interview, listeners gain insights into the process employment agencies undergo as they find a suitable job for their clients. Despite the possible challenges, it is important to remember that if a client has a will, there will be a way to achieve their goals.
There are many Disability Employment Services around Australia. Visit the Australia Government Job Access page here to find a provider.
About the guest speaker
Michelle is a Team Leader at Max Employment, where she worked for 10 years. Most of Michelle’s clients attained their disabilities from accidents or acquired their conditions later in life. She only has a few number of clients with childhood disability. Michelle highlights that a good employment agent can help clients find appropriate employment. By working with potential employers and clients, she explores possibilities to solve any issues before, during and after employment. She encourages clients to “give things a go” and offer as much personal information as possible to their agents so they can work together to find the right role. When mutual trust is developed, the agent will be able to assist their clients better.
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Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Libraries Tasmania compte plus de 600 bénévoles aux compétences diverses. Ils fournissent des services tels que la livraison de livres à domicile et la formation à l'informatique. Les bénévoles souffrant d'un handicap peuvent notamment bénéficier de dispositions visant à faciliter leur intégration dans l'organisation. Dans cet entretien avec Anita Planchon, Directrice de la Stratégie et de l'Engagement des bibliothèques de Tasmanie, nous parlons des différentes missions qui s’offrent aux bénévoles, de la manière dont le personnel de la bibliothèque peut être accompagné et quels sont les avantages du bénévolat.
About the guest speaker
Anita Planchon est une haute fonctionnaire du gouvernement actuellement Directrice de la Stratégie et de l'Engagement de Librairies Tasmanie. Elle a été diplomate pendant 18 ans en Asie-Pacifique et a travaillé en tant que traductrice certifiée NAATI du français vers l’anglais. Ses compétences et intérêts portent sur le leadership et la gestion stratégiques, l'élaboration et l'analyse de politiques de haut niveau, le plaidoyer, l'engagement des parties prenantes et la communication.
(Libraries Tasmania has over 600 volunteers of varying abilities. They provide services such as home book delivery and computer literacy training. In particular, volunteers with a disability can benefit from arrangements to facilitate their integration into the organisation. In this interview with Anita Planchon, Director of Strategy and Engagement of Tasmanian Libraries, we talk about the different missions available to volunteers, how the library's staff can be supported and what are the benefits of volunteering.
About the guest speaker
Anita Planchon is a senior government official currently working as the Director of Strategy and Engagement at Libraries Tasmania. She was a diplomat for 18 years in Asia-Pacific and worked as a certified NAATI translator from French to English. Her skills and interests focus on strategic leadership and management, high-level policy development and analysis, advocacy, stakeholder engagement and communication.
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Monday May 09, 2022
无障碍投票 (Accessible Voting)
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
About the guest speaker
在本期节目中,来自 Speak My Language 的 Ryan Chen 和在维多利亚州的民族社区委员会的华语工作人员 Charmaine Chan 一起讨论了在选举期间为残疾人选举投票提供便利的常见问题。
(In Australia, everyone shares the right and responsibility to vote, including people with disabilities. By participating in voting, we have the power to shape our country's future. Join this conversation about the accessible resources and places that make voting possible for people with disabilities.
Links to resources:
Australian Electoral Commission Accessible Information
About the guest speaker
In this episode, Ryan Chen from Speak My Language is joined by Charmaine Chan, a member of the Mandarin speaking community, who works for the Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria. Together, they discuss common questions about disability inclusion that are asked during election time.
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Monday May 09, 2022
登记投票 (Enrolling to Vote)
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
About the guest speaker
在本期节目中,来自 Speak My Language 的 Ryan Chen 和在维多利亚州的民族社区委员会的华语工作人员 Charmaine Chan 一起讨论了在选举期间为残疾人选举投票提供便利的常见问题。
(Participating in our democracy helps shape the future of our communities and country. Join this conversation about the resources available for people with disabilities who need to enrol to vote in a Federal election.
Links to resources:
Australian Electoral Commission Accessible Information
About the guest speaker
In this episode, Ryan Chen from Speak My Language is joined by Charmaine Chan, a member of the Mandarin speaking community, who works for the Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria. Together, they discuss common questions about disability inclusion that are asked during election time.
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Monday May 09, 2022
Votación Accesible (Accessible Voting)
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
En Australia, todos comparten el derecho y la responsabilidad de votar, incluidas las personas con discapacidad. Al participar en la votación, tenemos el poder de dar forma al futuro de nuestro país. Los invitamos a unirse a esta conversación sobre los recursos y lugares accesibles que hacen posible el voto para personas con discapacidades.
Enlaces a recursos:
Australian Electoral Commission Accessible Information
About the guest speaker
En este episodio Marielba Bortone de Speak My Language se une a Angela de La Rosa, miembro de la comunidad de habla hispana, que trabaja para el consejo Multicultural de Tasmania. Juntas discuten preguntas comunes sobre la inclusión en personas que viven con discapacidad en el momento de las votaciones.
(In Australia, everyone shares the right and responsibility to vote, including people with disabilities. By participating in voting, we have the power to shape our country's future. Join this conversation about the accessible resources and places that make voting possible for people with disabilities.
Links to resources:
Australian Electoral Commission Accessible Information
About the guest speaker
In this episode, Marielba Bortone from Speak My Language is joined by Angela De La Rosa, a member of the Spanish speaking community, who works for the Multicultural Council of Tasmania. Together, they discuss common questions about disability inclusion that are asked during election time.
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Monday May 09, 2022
Registro Electoral (Enrolling to Vote)
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
Participando en nuestra democracia ayuda a dar forma al futuro de nuestras comunidades y a nuestro país. Los invitamos a unirse a esta conversación sobre los recursos disponibles para personas con discapacidades que necesitan inscribirse para votar en una elección federal.
Enlaces a recursos:
Australian Electoral Commission Accessible Information
About the guest speaker
In this episode, Marielba Bortone from Speak My Language is joined by Angela De La Rosa, a member of the Spanish speaking community, who works for the Multicultural Council of Tasmania. Together, they discuss common questions about disability inclusion that are asked during election time.
(Participating in our democracy helps shape the future of our communities and country. Join this conversation about the resources available for people with disabilities who need to enrol to vote in a Federal election.
Links to resources:
Australian Electoral Commission Accessible Information
Translated Easy Read Guides
About the guest speaker
En este episodio Marielba Bortone de Speak My Language se une a Angela de La Rosa, miembro de la comunidad de habla hispana, que trabaja para el consejo Multicultural de Tasmania. Juntas discuten preguntas comunes sobre la inclusión en personas que viven con discapacidad en el momento de las votaciones.