People with disabilities from culturally diverse communities sharing practical tips about living well. Listen to our content sorted by language at speakmylanguage.com.au The Speak My Language (Disability) program involves people with disabilities from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and other guest speakers, sharing practical tips and resources to support living well with a disability. Speak My Language (Disability) is funded by Commonwealth Department of Social Services and is proudly delivered via an historic partnership between all State and Territory Ethnic and Multicultural Communities‘ Councils across Australia.

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Mesleki hedeflerimizi gerceklestirmek (Realising Professional Goals )
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Engelli bir çok insan icin, kisisel ve mesleki hedeflerini gerceklestirmek, yasamlarina mutluluk kattigi kadar onlara bir bagismsizlik da kazandirir.
Evren, matematik alanında olağanüstü bir yeteneğe sahip bir Türk Avustralyalı göçmendir. Bu bölümde, ailesinin geçimini sağlamak ve bağımsız bir şekilde hayatına yön vermek için, adeta ayaklı bir hesap makinesi gibi bilinen matematik yeteneğini de kullanarak yaptigi kariyeri ve yasadiklarinin hikayesini anlatiyor.
Tolga: Engelli bircok insan icin, kisisel ve mesleki hedeflerini gerceklestirmek, yasamlarina mutluluk kattigi kadar onlara bir bagismsizlik da kazandirir.
Gelin ilk once, su an sosyal hizmeter alaninda calisan ve gittigi heryerde hayranlik uyandiran disleksili bir bayan, Turkan’dan bahsedelim.
Turkan bize disleksi ile buyuyup nasil egitimine devam ettigini ve sonrasi bir is bulabildigini anlatabilir misin?
Turkan: Disleksinin ne oldugunu anlamadim ama kisa surede bunun sadece kodlama ile ilgili bir sorun olmadigini, beynimim sadece cevremdeki dunyayi nasil anlamlandirdigini, uzaysal akil yurutmemi hatta bazen motonoron hareketlerimi bile etkiledigini anladim. Arkadaslarim bana cok destek olduar, durum anladilar ve ozellikle gorsel ogrenme yoluyla farkli sekilleri gormem icin beni motive ettiler, yardimci oldular. Bu deneyimler sayesinde sanatta basarili oldum.
Universiteyi bitirdikten sonra saglik sektorunde calisiyordum bir sure ama belediyeye de bakiyordum, nasil topluma yardici olabilirim diye belediyeye basvurdum, zamanimi enerjimi oraya vermek bana gercekten bir onur Verdi cunku insanlara degisik alanlarda hizmet edebiliyor bilgi verebiliyordum, onlara support yapabiliyordum.
Tolga: Yani senin isin, baskalarinin da topluma daha fazla dahil olmasina ve onlarin entegrasyonuna yardimci olmakta, degil mi?
Turkan: Simdi bir senedir Welcoming Cities’de coordinator olarak calisiyorum, degisik NSW belediyelerine destek oluyorum, onlarla beraber calisip, nasil baktiklari yerlere inclusion ve diversity principle’lari yerlestirmeyi ogretiyorum ve onlara yardimci oluyorum.
NSW Belediyelere destek vermek benim icin cok gurur verici, degisik belediyelerde Access Inclusion Officer’lar oluyor, onlarla calisip topluma daha cok yardmci olabilmek mutluluk veriyor. Cunku kendim de disleksi ile yasadigim icin, hangi hislerde olundugunu, neler gerektigini, kimlerle konusmak gerektigini, onlara toplumda nasil yer verebilecegimiz gibi yonlerden kendii experience’lerimden insight vermek gercekten cok mutluluk veriyor bana.
Tolga: Turkanin disleksi ile yasanmis tecrubelerinin isyerinde bir kazanim olarak gormek gercekten harika, cunku bu ona baskalarina da kapsayici bir ortam yaratmak icin en dogru tutum ve beceriler kazandirmakta.
Hepimiz gibi engelli insanlarin da kariyer hedeferi vardir ki bu mevcut isgucune cok fazla deger sunabilir.
Bir sonraki hikaye anlaticimiz, sayilarla ilgili olaganustu yetenege sahip Avustralyali bir Turk gocmen olan Evren. Evrenin isitme kaybina sahip olmasi onun bir is bulabilmesinin onunde hicbir engel teskil etmemis.
Evren bize biraz bu macerandan bahsedebilir misin? Is bulma yolunda hangi kaynaklari kullandin?
Evren: Avustralyaya geldigimizden beri aile hekimimiz olan doktor hanimin fikrini sordum, kendisi benim isitme cihazimi devletletten almama yardimci olan doktordu, yillardir taniyordum. Oturdugumuz bolgedeki konseye gitmemi soyledi. Gercektende konseyde cok yardimci oldular. Hatta ilk isimi bile konsey sayesinde buldum.
Tolga: Tam zamanli calismaya baslamadan once TAFE’de ogrenim gordun. Bize biraz bundan bahseder misin?
Evren: Gunduzleri calisirken aksamlari da TAFE’de muhasebe alaninda sertifika programina basladim. Bu alanda calisacaksam kesinlikle egitim almaliydim. Uzerine iki sertifika daha bitirdim, hatta baska sirketlere isler bile yapiyordum.
Tolga: Aslinda Evrenin hikayesi o kadar da siradisi degil. TAFE’in ogrenim goren engelli insanlar icin kapsayici ortamlar sundugunu biliyor muydunuz? Kayit oldugunuzda, ogrenme ortaminizi durumunuz daha uygun hale getirmek icin size destek sunabilirler. Hatta isterseniz bunu gizli bir sekilde de yapabilirler.
Hatta ogreniminizi bitirdikten sonra is bulmaniza yardimci olacak destekler de sunarlar. Mesleki hedeflerinizi gerceklestirmek icin yardim almak isterseniz, Disabilty Employment Australia ihtiyaclariniza cevap verebilecek en ust seviye organdir.
Bu yapilanmanin uyeleri, engelli olmayan kisiler gibi reel ucretlerle calisacak, engelli calisanlar bulma konsusunda uzmanlasmistir.
Daha fazla bilgi icin disabilityemployment.org.au. sitesini ziyaret edebilirsiniz.
Elbette ki bu konuda asil sorumluluk isyerlerine dusmekte. Yani hepimizin bildigi gibi daha kapsayici bir isgucu olusturmak isverenlerin elinde. Unutmayalim ki, Evreninki gibi hikayeleri daha fazla duymanin onemi, isverenlere engelli insanlarin da bir isyeri icin uretken bir kazanc olabilecegini gostermekte.
Herkesin guvenli ve uygun bir is ortaminda calismasindan emin olmak icin isyerlerinin engelli calisanlari icin makul bir ortam saglamasi gerektigini bilmelisiniz.
Daha fazla bilgi icin, www.fairwork.gov.au internet sitesini ziyaret edip ‘Employees with disability’ sayfasini tiklayabilirsiniz.
You can also find more resources with IncludeAbility, an initiative of the Australian Human Rights Commission that supports people with disability looking for work and employers who want to create meaningful employment opportunities for employees with disability. Visit https://includeability.gov.au/
Ayrica, bir ‘Australian Human Rights Commission’ girisimi olan, is arayan engelli kisileri ve engelli calisanlar icin gercek anlamda istihdam firsatlari yaratmak isteyen isverenleri destekleyen, ‘IncludeAbilty’ ile daha fazla kaynaga da ulasabilirsiniz. Lutfen includeability.gov.au sitesini ziyaret edin.
About the guest speaker
For many people with disabilities, unlocking personal and professional goals provides satisfaction in life, and grants independence.
Evren is a Turkish Australian migrant who has an exceptional talent for numbers. In this episode, she shares her life story and her journey to finding fulfilling work that uses her skills as a 'human calculator' to provide for herself and her family, and give her greater independence.
Tolga: For many people with disabilities, unlocking personal and professional goals provides satisfaction in life, and grants independence.
Let's first hear from a dyslexic woman, Turkan, who works in the field of social work and gains admiration everywhere she goes.
Turkan, tell us how you pursued education and found employment after growing up with dyslexia?
Turkan: I didn't understand what dyslexia was, but I soon realised that it wasn't just a problem with coding, it was just how my brain made sense of the world around me, it affected my spatial reasoning and sometimes even my motor neurons. My friends supported me a lot, they understood the situation and they motivated and helped me to see different shapes, especially through visual learning. Thanks to these experiences, I became successful in art.
After graduating from university, I was working in the health sector, but I was also looking after the municipality council. I applied to the municipality council to see how I can help society. It gave me a real sense of honour to give my time and energy there because I could serve people in different fields, give information and support them.
Tolga: So your job helps others to be more included and integrated into society, right?
Turkan: I've been working as a coordinator at Welcoming Cities for a year now, supporting different NSW municipalities, working with them, teaching and helping them implement inclusion and diversity principles in the places they look after.
It makes me very proud to support NSW local government areas, there are Access Inclusion Officers in different municipalities, it gives me pleasure to work with them and help the community more. Because I am living with dyslexia myself, it gives me great pleasure to give insights from my own experiences, such as what feelings you have, what you need to talk about, who we need to talk to, and how we can give them a place in society.
Tolga: It’s really great to see that Turkan’s lived experiences of having dyslexia is an asset in the workplace because it has given her the right skills and attitude to create an inclusive environment for others.
People with disabilities have career aspirations like everyone else and can offer a lot of value to the workforce.
Our next storyteller is Evren, a Turkish Australian migrant who has an exceptional talent for numbers. While Evren has hearing loss, this did not prove to be a barrier to her finding work.
Evren, can you tell us a bit about your journey? What resources did you use on your pathway to finding employment?
Evren: I asked the opinion of the female doctor, who has been our family doctor since we came to Australia. She was the doctor who helped me get my hearing aid from the government. I had known her for years. She told me to go to the local council where we live. The council was indeed very helpful. I even found my first name thanks to the council.
Tolga: You went on to study at TAFE before getting full time work. Can you tell us about that?
Evren: While working during the day, I started the certificate program in the field of accounting at TAFE in the evenings. If I was going to work in this field, I should definitely get an education. I completed two more certificates on it, I was even doing jobs for other companies.
Tolga: Actually, Evren’s story is not that unusual. Did you know that TAFE offers inclusive accommodations for people with disabilities who are studying? When you enrol, they can offer you support to make your learning environment more suitable for your condition. They can even do this confidentially if you like.
There are also supports to help you find work after you finish your studies. If you are seeking help to realise your professional goals, Disability Employment Australia is the peak body that can represent your needs.
Their members specialise in finding people with disability employment, for real wages alongside people who do not have disability.
You can learn more at disabilityemployment.org.au.
Of course, the real responsibility rests with workplaces. It is up to employers to be more inclusive. The reason why it is important to hear stories like Evre’s is that it shows employers that people with disabilities can be productive assets to a workplace.
You should know that workplaces must make reasonable accommodations for their employees with disabilities, to make sure everyone has a safe and suitable workplace.
To learn more about this, visit www.fairwork.gov.au and click on the webpage called Employees with disability.
You can also find more resources with IncludeAbility, an initiative of the Australian Human Rights Commission that supports people with disability looking for work and employers who want to create meaningful employment opportunities for employees with disability. Visit includeability.gov.au
About the guest speaker
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